Sundance RV Park
Cortez, CO
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Accommodation types
- rv
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Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
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Accommodation types
- rv
Enjoy these amenities
You’re covered!
Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
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Not bookable on BookOutdoors
Unfortunately, this property can’t be booked on BookOutdoors yet. We can notify you when it becomes available.
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
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House rules for a happy stay
Reservations not cancelled 48 hours prior to arrival will be charged one night's stay.
Rules & regulations
Restrooms and Laundry: These facilities are for paying guests only. Please report any untidiness to the office. No dogs are allowed in these buildings.
Pets: Cats and dogs are welcome, but must be leashed at all times, and walked in the designated dog walk. Owners must pick up after animals.
Trash: Place all trash in plastic bags, tie and place in dumpsters provided. Please do not throw trash or cigarette butts on the ground.
Vehicle Wash: Vehicle washing is available (fee) but mechanical work is not allowed in the park.
Children: Children are not allowed to play in the laundry or bath facilities. They are to be under control at all times.
Park Buildings: No drinking or smoking is allowed in laundry, bath and shower facilities, or in the store/office.
Picnic Tables: Picnic tables are provided for your use and enjoyment; they are not work benches. Please do not remove picnic tables from sites.
Quiet Hours: Quiet hours are 10:00 pm to 8:00 am each day; please be considerate of your fellow campers.
Generators: Running of generators in the park is prohibited.
Speed Limit: 5 MPH. Please observe this speed limit throughout the park.
Water: A water faucet is located on the side of the shower and restroom building for filling jugs or similar containers.
Payments: All rent must be paid in advance. Sites are for 2 people each additional person is $4.00 per day.
Check Out Time: 12:00 Noon. $3/hour is charged for overtime. Please let the office know if you plan to stay longer.
Personal & Property: Sundance RV Park is not responsible for accidents or injury to our guests, or for loss of money, jewelry or valuables of any kind.
Lawn & Grass: Do not pour hot grease, hot beverages or any substance that may harm or kill the grass. Do not park on the grass.
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