Sparkman Lake

Woodsfield, OH

Accommodation types

  • cabin
  • rv

Enjoy these amenities

Potable Water
20 Amp
30 Amp

Let us tell you more

Settle into your cabin, cast a line, relax around a campfire, toast some s'mores, pedal a boat, check out our tiny farm, fry some fresh farm eggs, roast a hotdog, travel the countryside, enjoy a private waterfall, gaze at a starry night sky... and let yourself get lost for a little while!

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Walking Trails
Wildlife Watching

Here’s where it’s located


50488 State Route 145, Woodsfield, OH 43793


Scenic views


Enjoy these amenities

Potable Water
20 Amp
30 Amp

Let us tell you more

Settle into your cabin, cast a line, relax around a campfire, toast some s'mores, pedal a boat, check out our tiny farm, fry some fresh farm eggs, roast a hotdog, travel the countryside, enjoy a private waterfall, gaze at a starry night sky... and let yourself get lost for a little while!

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Walking Trails
Wildlife Watching

Here’s where it’s located


50488 State Route 145, Woodsfield, OH 43793


Scenic views


Accommodation types

  • cabin
  • rv

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House rules for a happy stay


Campfires Allowed
Open All Year
Pet Friendly
Pet Restrictions

Tenancy Less than 30 Calendar Days (Daily and Weekend Bookings):

1. If your reservation is less than thirty calendar days and you cancel your reservation at least sixty calendar days prior to your scheduled “check-in” date, Owner shall return 100 percent of your deposit.

2. If your reservation is less than thirty calendar days and you cancel your reservation less than sixty calendar days prior to your scheduled “check-in” date, but at least thirty calendar days before your scheduled “check-in” date, then Guest shall forfeit any deposit paid to Owner.

3. If your reservation is less than thirty calendar days and you cancel your reservation less than thirty calendar days before your scheduled “check-in” date, then Guest shall forfeit any deposit and payment for said reservation. i.e. Owner shall not pay any refund to Guest.

4. If your reservation is less than thirty calendar days and you cancel your reservation on or after your scheduled “check-in” date, then Guest shall forfeit their right to any and all deposit and payment refunds.

5. Guest acknowledges that any reservation made within thirty days prior to the scheduled “check-in” date is subject to this policy.

No refunds due to weather, change of plans, or early departures. All Guests are financially responsible for the entire booking once your reservation has been made.

Rules & regulations


BASIC ESSENTIALS PROVIDED. Cabin/Lodge: hand soaps, dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels, dish towels, kitchen hand towels, dish sponge

Cabin/lodge will be equipped with a basic set of pots and pans, cooking utensils, place settings, and glasses for the number of guests your cabin sleeps. If you plan to do a lot of cooking you may want to bring a few of your favorite items, also you may want to bring some of these forgotten items: salt and pepper, coffee, coffee filters, cooking oils and sugar. Don't forget your hair dryer!

LINENS PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Cabin/Lodge: [Bathroom] 4 bath towels, 4 wash clothes, 2 hand towels (per bathroom) [Bedroom] fitted sheet, top sheet, bedspread, 2 pillows (per bed)

There will not be a clean towel for each day. You are responsible for laundering your own towels during extended stays. There is no washer/dryer. Laundry Mat is located in Woodsfield, OH or Barnesville, OH. There may be Special Laundry Services available in the area at additional costs. Not affiliated with us. Changing of linens are not done during the Guest(s) stay unless requested by Guest(s). There is an additional charge for this service. The charges will vary. Please ask the guest services for this service and pricing.

CELL SERVICE/WIFI ACCESS. We are in the country and cell-phone signal and wi-fi may not always be reliable at times. We suggest for our guests to have boosters if needed. Sparkman Rentals LLC cannot guarantee the speed or proper operation of this amenity. If there is a WIFI Hub located in your cabin DO NOT TOUCH, MOVE, OR UNPLUG. If there is a problem please contact guest services.

1. SECURITY DEPOSIT. Prior to your arrival a credit card number must be given to keep on file for a security deposit. You shall allow Owner to hold a security deposit equal to the amount of your stay but no less than $250.00. You understand that the Security Deposit and credit card authorization is to protect Owner from possible damages to our premises. Security charges will only be applied to your credit card if necessary and you will be notified. You are financially responsible for all damages and additional cleaning fees if necessary. Should Owner find the cabin and/or lot in an unacceptable condition upon your departure, your security deposit will be used for extra cleaning, damage repairs, replacement of missing contents expenses resulting from agreement violations such as smoking in the cabin, trash left in cabin, dirty dishes left unwashed, furniture moved, etc. Guest will be notified in writing regarding any deductions and guest agrees that charges can be processed on guest’s credit card, or guest agrees to provide prompt payment of additional expenses within 10 days of receipt of Owner’s notification.

2. PAYMENT. Guest acknowledges the following payment terms:

a. All payments must be made by personal, travelers or bank check, cash, or all major credit cards. Prices quoted on our website are based on cash payments made in person. Payments made by credit card will incur a service charge.

b. Owner may charge a $35.00 returned check fee.

c. No portion of your payment is held in escrow.

d. Current state and local sales tax will be accessed at the time the reservation is made. If however, there is an increase in State and/or Local sales tax prior to the check-in date, the guest will be responsible for the additional tax.

e. If guest fails to pay the rent when due, the owner shall reserve the right, without demand or notice, to retain any payment previously made as forfeiture and charge the guests credit card the remaining balance due. payment.

f. Rates are subject to change without notice based on season and/ or occupancy levels. Once a guest has secured a rate it will not change unless the reservation is modified by the Guest(s).

g. Guest services may offer different types of savings. Any special, promotion, or discount must be requested at the time of booking. Some properties may be exempt.

3. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT. For reservations made by credit card on-line, 100% of your total stay plus optional fees will be charged to your provided credit card during booking.

If the guest provided credit card is declined, reservation will be lost, as well as the previous deposit.

4. CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION. You agree that you will not claim any charge backs or credits from your credit card company for any fees charged to your credit card, including but not limited to deposit, rental, or additional damage or security deposit fees.


5. REFUND. No refunds due to weather, change of plans, or early departures. All Guests are financially responsible for the entire booking once your reservation has been made.

All of our properties are privately owned. Descriptions, bed sizes, amenities and names of cabins are subject to change without notice. Owner will make all efforts to inspect all cabins prior to Guest’s arrival to ensure that all equipment is in good working order. In the event of a mechanical failure, Owner will make every effort to have all reported malfunctions corrected as promptly as possible. Under no circumstances will the Guest receive a reduction in rent or relocated for any equipment or amenity failure. Guest services, upon being notified by guest of any malfunctions will make every reasonable effort to have such appliances or amenities repaired. Replacement or repair during guests stay cannot be guaranteed. Neither the rental company or the property owner will be obligated to give replacements or refunds in the event of failure or absence of any item, or for any public utility including television service. Sparkman Lake Rentals, LLC is not responsible for the weather or any other Acts of God and there will be no refunds for these occurrences or for early departure.

Guest is responsible for the entire booking once the reservation is made.


A. Tenancy for 30 Calendar Days or Greater.

1. If your reservation totals thirty consecutive calendar days or greater in length, you must cancel your reservation at least seven calendar days prior to the date of your scheduled “check-in” date to receive full refund.

2. If your reservation totals thirty consecutive calendar days or greater in length and you cancel your reservation less than seven calendar days prior to your scheduled “check-in” date, but before your scheduled “check-in” date, then Guest shall be charged one (1) full night’s stay.

3. If your reservation totals thirty consecutive calendar days or greater in length and you cancel your reservation on your scheduled “check-in” date or any date thereafter, Guest shall forfeit any right to receive any refund.

4. Cancellations made during the stay will be refunded at the Owner’s discretion.

B. Tenancy Less than 30 Calendar Days (Daily and Weekend Bookings).

1. If your reservation is less than thirty calendar days and you cancel your reservation at least sixty calendar days prior to your scheduled “check-in” date, Owner shall return 100 percent of your deposit.

2. If your reservation is less than thirty calendar days and you cancel your reservation less than sixty calendar days prior to your scheduled “check-in” date, but at least thirty calendar days before your scheduled “check-in” date, then Guest shall forfeit any deposit paid to Owner.

3. If your reservation is less than thirty calendar days and you cancel your reservation less than thirty calendar days before your scheduled “check-in” date, then Guest shall forfeit any deposit and payment for said reservation. i.e. Owner shall not pay any refund to Guest.

4. If your reservation is less than thirty calendar days and you cancel your reservation on or after your scheduled “check-in” date, then Guest shall forfeit their right to any and all deposit and payment refunds.

5. Guest acknowledges that any reservation made within thirty days prior to the scheduled “check-in” date is subject to this policy.


7. RENEWALS. All term renewals of the Rental Agreement shall be in writing.

8. CHECK-IN. Check-In time begins at 4pm and ends at 12 am (midnight). No exceptions. Guest may call or text to retrieve your lock box code or entry code any time after 4 pm and prior to 12 am. Owner will make every effort to have your cabin ready promptly, however from time to time there may be a delay and your patience is appreciated.

On the day of your arrival, you may call or text our office after 4pm to get the lock box code/entry code/key for your cabin. Once you have received your lock box code you will input the number in the lockbox and the key to your cabin will be inside the lock box. Guest acknowledges that there is a $250.00 fee to have the property re-keyed if the key is not returned and/or found in the lock box.

Guests shall immediately call or text guest services to report any damages that are found upon your arrival.

9. CHECK-OUT TIME. You must be checked-out, no later than 11am on the designated date of checkout. This way we can clean the cabins on an effective schedule. If you are still there after that time you will be charged a late fee of $100.00 and may be charged up to an additional night’s occupancy.

10. CHECK-OUT PROCEDURES. Guest shall vacate premises upon termination of this agreement at the hour and date agreed upon. Before departure guest will perform all the items listed on the check-out form. Violations will be charged additional fees.

In order to prepare for our next guests, we require you to perform the following items on this checklist before your checkout (not performing these items will result in extra fees):

*Please bag and remove all household trash (including bathroom and outside trashcan) and place in the dumpster.

*Return any keys to guest services or put in lock-box if provided. Non- returned keys result in $250 fee to have the property re-keyed.

*Make sure there is no trash or cigarette butts, etc. in the yard

*Please clean out the refrigerator and wipe up any spills inside. Do not leave any food in the refrigerator or the kitchen including cabinets. Clean up any crumbs you may have left in the cabinets to help avoid bug attraction.

*(Lodge) Please clean any spills in the oven as oven cleaning is not included in the departure cleaning.

*Please wash, dry and put away all dishes.

*Vacuum carpet areas and sweep floors of excess dirt.

*Make sure all small appliances are cleaned out and unplugged.

*Please make sure all exterior doors and windows are closed and locked.

*Place all indoor/outdoor furniture and decorative items back in their original locations. Wipe down outdoor furniture on deck as these are not included in the departure cleaning.

*If you used the grill make sure it is clean and tools are cleaned and placed back in the kitchen drawers. The cover needs to be placed back on the grill as well. If the next guest complains the grill is dirty, you will be charged a $25 cleaning fee.

*Check under the beds, in the drawers, couch etc. for any items you may be leaving behind. We are not responsible for any items left behind.

*Put all remote controls next to the TV in the bedrooms and on the coffee table in the living room. (You will be charged for any missing or broken remotes.)

*Place all used towels, hand towels and washcloths in the bathroom shower.

*Do not make the beds, please. The cleaning staff will do that after inspecting. Place used sheets and comforters on floor beside the bed.

*Any hot pads and kitchen towels that need laundered place them in the kitchen sink.


11. OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES. At all times during the tenancy the Owner shall:

A. Keep each cabin and/or lot marked in such a way that each Guest will be certain of his area of responsibility;

B. Keep any exterior area of the park not the responsibility of each Guest free from any species of weed or plant growth which are noxious or detrimental to the health of the Guests;

C. Maintain all electrical, plumbing, gas, or other utilities provided by him or her in good working condition except during any emergency after which any repair shall be completed within a timely manner; and

D. Allow you to terminate the Rental Agreement whenever a change in the location of your employment requires a change in the location of your residence if you give 7 days’ notice.

12. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. At all times during the tenancy you shall:

A. Keep your cabin, cabin area, lot, and/or lot area of responsibility as marked by the Owner in a clean and sanitary condition, free of garbage and rubbish;

B. Keep the supplied basic facilities, including any plumbing fixture, cooking and refrigeration equipment and electrical fixtures in the rented cabin, in a clean and sanitary condition and exercise reasonable care in their proper use and operation;

C. Dispose of any rubbish, garbage and other waste material in a clean and sanitary manner;

D. Observe all reasonable rules of the Owner concerning the use, occupation and maintenance of the premises;

E. Personally refrain, and forbid any other person who is on the premises with your permission, from intentionally or negligently destroying, defacing, damaging, or removing any fixture, appliance, or other part of the premises;

F. Conduct yourself and require other persons on the premises your consent to conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb your neighbors’ peaceful enjoyment of the premises;

G. Make no alterations in or about the premises including but not limited to: moving furniture, taking interior furniture outside, or moving exterior furniture without Owner’s prior written approval; and

H. Report any problems or damages in your cabin and/or lot the day of check-in to the Owner. If not reported, Owner must assume the damage or loss occurred during your occupancy and Owner may charge Guest’s account.

13. GUEST POLICY. The Owner’s rules for are as follows:

A. FIREWORKS AND FIREARMS. Guest acknowledges that firearms and fireworks of any kind are strictly prohibited for recreational purposes on the rental property. If any evidence is discovered that Guest(s) have used these items on the rental property, Guest(s) agrees and understands that they will be fined up to $500.00 or more, depending on circumstances, per instance. Guest(s) will also be responsible to pay for and/or repair any damages associated with the use of these items.

B. DUMPSTER USE. Guests shall place all household garbage in dumpster for trash pick-up. Guests shall not dispose of combustible, noxious or hazardous materials in disposal bins. Guests shall use the dumpster for the rental property’s household trash. Excessive use of the dumpster, including but not limited to trash bags brought in from outside the property, disposing of large amounts of guest(s) personal property or equipment, tires, and/or guest(s) outside furniture or fixtures, will result in additional charges. Contact guest services for approval regarding disposal of any items listed above.

C. LAKE. Guest acknowledges that the lake is privately owned. Lake access/use is for guests who register to use/access the lake with guest services ONLY. You must contact guest services prior to any use of the lake (including fishing) and obtain prior approval and execute all applicable waivers. The registered guest may fish at their own risk. Please keep center walkway free of chairs, fishing poles and tackle boxes so other guests may safely navigate. Absolutely no swimming or boating is allowed.

D. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Do not allow waste, fuel, oil, or chemicals to spill into the water.

E. WOODED AREAS. There are 40+ acres of wooded area. Hiking is permitted, during daylight hours, at guest’s own risk. Absolutely no hunting is allowed. ATVs & side-by-sides are not to be driven on the property.

F. OUTDOOR FIRE PITS. Guest acknowledges that only cabins that have pre-built outdoor fire pits are to be used. Guest(s) may not create a new fire pit anywhere on the property. Wood is not provided for outdoor fire places or fire pits. Guest(s) must purchase wood for this. Guest may not cut down trees on property for firewood. If you have a gas burning fireplace, please do not put anything in it.

G. PETS. While most of our cabins do not allow pets, we have some properties designated as “pet friendly”. Guest shall obtain prior approval from guest services and provide payment for the below listed pet fee.

Guests may bring one dog not to exceed a maximum weight of 75 pounds. Guest is responsible for any damages caused by the dog and agrees that the dog shall be crated any and each time that it is left in the cabin unoccupied.

A non-refundable pet fee of $100 will be charged to aid in cleaning/fumigation expenses to your rent. It is not a deposit. This charge does not cover any damages to cabin or excess cleanup in the form of carpet cleaning or spraying. If a dog sheds excessively, leaves behind fleas or damages to the property, you will be responsible for the cost of cleaning, spraying, repair or replacement. Determination will be within 7 days of check-out. NO PETS ARE ALLOWED WITHOUT GUEST SERVICES APPROVAL AND PET FEE PAID IN ADVANCE. Any unauthorized pet on premise shall result in automatic forfeiture of all monies paid, immediate eviction without refund, and a fine of no less than $250. Any dog outside MUST remain on a leash and WITH OWNER at all times.

H. LOCKED SPACES. A property may have locked spaces that are for private use. In this locked space may be Owner belongings, cleaning supplies, and other private items. This space, nor these items are included with the Guest(s) rental of any property. Guest(s) agree not to tamper with locked areas. In the event a locked area is tampered with, Guest(s) shall be fined a minimum of $100.00, and any additional items that may be broken of missing from the locked area will be charged to the Guest(s) as well.

I. SMOKING POLICY. All cabins are NON-SMOKING, and you will be subject to a minimum $1000.00 penalty for clean-up and sanitation if you are found to have smoked inside any of our properties. Butt cans or ashtrays are provided on the outside decks and porches so you may smoke outside only. Please use this to help us prevent fires. This is strictly enforced, there are NO EXCEPTIONS. If found to be smoking in the cabins immediate eviction will occur. All cigarette butts should completely extinguish and disposed of properly and in an outside trash container to prevent smells inside the property.

J. MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY. Guests shall adhere to all maximums listed for the facility rented. When Guest registers with guest services Guest shall declare the amount of people staying in the assigned cabin. The maximum number of occupants allowed in each vacation home is shown in the vacation home description stated as the number of persons the home sleeps. Premises may not be used or occupied at any time by more than the maximum number of occupants indicated. Adults and children, including babies of all ages, must be counted. Overcrowding or misrepresentation is cause for immediate eviction and forfeiture of all monies paid. If the rental property is occupied by more than the number indicated on the confirmation, the violation will result in additional charges of $50.00 per guest, per night.

K. ILLEGAL DRUGS, ILLEGAL ACTIVITES, EXCESSIVE NOISE. Parties aka excessive gathering of individuals and/or groups under the age of 21 are not allowed under any circumstances and will be subject to immediate eviction. Guess shall obtain prior approval for special events such as bridal showers, baby showers, reunions, group meetings and/or weddings. Any illegal drugs and/or underage drinking is absolutely prohibited and will result in eviction and will be reported to proper authorities.

If the sheriff department or any other law enforcement authority is needed and/or arrives on the property for any reason stemming from a guest or any person that a guest may have on Sparkman Rentals LLC properties shall be grounds for immediate eviction without refunds and forfeiture of all monies paid, regardless of any subsequent legal outcome.

L. QUIET HOURS. Quiet hours begin at 10:00 PM and end at 8:00 AM at all properties managed by guest services. Use of premises shall not be such as to disturb or offend neighbors or residents, including but not limited to; parties, excessive speeding through property, excessive noise and/or obnoxious behavior, etc. Sparkman Rentals LLC has the prerogative to terminate this Agreement/Contract and to demand that disruptive Guests vacate the premises, thereby forfeiting all monies to Sparkman Rentals LLC. Any violation of the above terms of conduct will result in immediate eviction. NO REFUNDS OR REBATES will be offered

M. SUBLETTING. Subletting is not permitted and guest shall not assign this lease agreement or sublet the property in whole or part without written permission from guest services.

N. PARKING. Each cabin has a designated number of parking spots. Guest may inquire with guest services for information on additional parking for trailers and multiple vehicles. Guest(s) shall not park in any portion of the property’s yard. (Septic systems and underground water lines may not be visible to the human eye.)

O. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Guests assume full responsibility for all damages, excess cleaning charges, or any other missing items including linens and towels. Please read the departure instructions in the unit. If these procedures are not as followed, an excessive cleaning fee will be charged. Sparkman Rentals LLC cannot be held responsible for items left in the cabins, please double-check before you depart.

P. DRIVING CONDITIONS. Owner does not guarantee any road surface conditions Most roads in our area are well maintained, but they are curvy and steep. There are also gravel drives on the roads. Typically, these roads are well maintained, but they may be bumpy at times. In the late fall, winter and early spring it is not uncommon to occasionally have hazardous road conditions. It is strongly suggested that all guests during these seasons have four-wheel drive. Four-wheel drive does not guarantee that you will be able to access your cabin. Winter road conditions and maintenance are not guaranteed. We do not issue refunds due to poor road conditions cause by the lack of maintenance or due to inclement weather or otherwise. You are responsible for your transportation. We cannot provide any transportation for guests and are not responsible for any towing charges you may incur during your stay. It is the guest’s responsibility to check weather forecasts and road conditions prior to departing for their getaway.

Q. NON-PERFORMANCE OF AMENENITIES. Unfortunately, appliances, air conditioners, refrigerators, televisions etc. occasionally malfunction. Owner cannot guarantee them to perform 100% of the time. Owner does, however, guarantee to correct the problem as soon as possible, during normal business hours. Guest shall notify guest services of any malfunctioning electronic as early as possible (9am) so that owner can work to resolve said issue. No refunds will be given for malfunctioning equipment or power outages.

R. POWER OUTAGES. If guest is staying in a cabin when the power goes out, guest will not have hot water until the power comes back on. Electricity is required for the hot water tank to run. If Guest experiences a power outage during your stay, Guest shall contact guest services.

S. FREEZING TEMPERATUTES. If the temperature is below 25 degrees during winter months, Guest shall leave the faucets dripping and cabinet doors to pipes and bathroom doors open to insure the pipes will not freeze.

T. CARE OF CHILDREN AT PROPERTY. The cabins are not child proof aka “kid friendly” and extreme caution must be used when children are occupying the premises and especially playing outside near the woods or in or around the lake. Guest(s) understand that it is the Guest(s) responsibility to watch after any child that is on the property and all children must be on the registered guest list, regardless of their age.


14. GROUNDS FOR EVICTION: TERM LONGER THAN 30 CALENDAR DAYS. You may be evicted for one or more of the following reasons:

A. Termination of the Rental Agreement by lapse of time;

B. Termination of the Rental Agreement by reason of an express stipulation in the Rental Agreement;

C. Failure to pay rent when due;

D. A violation of any local, State and/or Federal law or ordinance;

E. Occupation of the cabin and/or lot with no right or privilege to occupy such cabin and/or lot or with a right or privilege to occupy which has terminated;

F. The violation of any rule established by the Owner; and

G. A change in use of land on which your cabin and/or lot is located, provided all the Guests affected are given written notice at thirty (30) days the notice for the Guests to quit possession of cabin or occupancy of the lot.

15. PROCEDURES FOR EVICTION: TERM LONGER THAN 30 CALENDAR DAYS. The Owner must follow applicable Ohio law before evicting you. These laws give you various protections, including the right to receive notice of an eviction action, the right to present a defense and the right to prevent or delay the eviction under some circumstances.

16. TERM LESS THAN 30 DAYS. If the term of your stay is less than thirty (30) calendar days, you acknowledge that it is not a tenancy for premises. The premises is not rented for more than 30 days, and is taxed and treated as a transient occupancy, akin to hotel accommodations. Premises laws do not apply to the license granted herein, and the you, as a licensee, may be removed as a trespasser immediately upon termination of this license.


1. ENTRY & INSPECTION. Owner reserves the right to enter the premises at reasonable times and with reasonable advance notice for the purposes of inspection. If Owner has a reasonable belief that there is imminent danger to any person or the premises, Owner may enter the premises without advanced notice.

2. MAINTENANCE. It may be necessary premise managers to enter the cabin and/or lot during reasonable hours to perform minor repairs.

3. MALFUNCTION OF AMENITIES. There will be no refunds for the malfunction of any equipment including but not limited to air conditioning, TV, appliances, and/or power outages.

4. AMENITIES. Guest’s use of the premises is at Guest’s own risk. To the fullest extent of the law, Owner shall not be liable for Guest’s use of the amenities located on the premises.




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