Phoenicia Black Bear Campground
Phoenicia , NY
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
Accommodation types
- rv
- tent
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You’re covered!
Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
Learn moreLet us tell you more
Phoenicia Black Bear Campground is a beautiful camp located directly on the Esopus creek in Phoenicia, NY, in the heart of the Catskill mountains and close to Hunter Mountain, Woodstock, and Bellayre Mountain. We offer group and individual camping sites along with RV sites. We are animal friendly. Activities include swimming, tubing, fishing, lots of wildlife, hunting, hiking trails, scenic train rides, bike rentals, horseback riding and more.
Fun things to do and experience
Activities on or nearby this property
Accommodation types
- rv
- tent
Enjoy these amenities
You’re covered!
Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
Learn moreLet us tell you more
Phoenicia Black Bear Campground is a beautiful camp located directly on the Esopus creek in Phoenicia, NY, in the heart of the Catskill mountains and close to Hunter Mountain, Woodstock, and Bellayre Mountain. We offer group and individual camping sites along with RV sites. We are animal friendly. Activities include swimming, tubing, fishing, lots of wildlife, hunting, hiking trails, scenic train rides, bike rentals, horseback riding and more.
Fun things to do and experience
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Not bookable on BookOutdoors
Unfortunately, this property can’t be booked on BookOutdoors yet. We can notify you when it becomes available.
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
This property’s site types
House rules for a happy stay
NO REFUNDS on RV reservations.
Roll overs to another date are available for certain cancelation issues on a case by case basis.
Rules & regulations
Firewood - $8.00 per bundle.
All dogs $5.00 each per night, 6’ leash law enforced - 24/7 !!
1 car per site, extra cars $5.00 per night per car.
Children under 2 free of charge.
No electric on tent site RV sites only !
Check in anytime after 1:00 pm - check out 11:00 am; late check out $10.00 each.
Helmets for all bike riders on property enforced !!
No outside firewood permitted on property.
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