Pelican RV Park New Orleans
New Orleans, LA
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
Accommodation types
- rv
Enjoy these amenities
You’re covered!
Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
Learn moreLet us tell you more
Pelican RV Park New Orleans is a well-maintained multi-acre site for manufactured homes, RVs, 5th wheels and travel trailers. Have a blast at the French Quarter and downtown New Orleans is only 5 miles away! Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner at Smiley's Grill located on campgrounds. Go fishing down the street at the New Orleans Lakefront.
-Public restrooms and showers currently unavailable-
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Accommodation types
- rv
Enjoy these amenities
You’re covered!
Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
Learn moreLet us tell you more
Pelican RV Park New Orleans is a well-maintained multi-acre site for manufactured homes, RVs, 5th wheels and travel trailers. Have a blast at the French Quarter and downtown New Orleans is only 5 miles away! Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner at Smiley's Grill located on campgrounds. Go fishing down the street at the New Orleans Lakefront.
-Public restrooms and showers currently unavailable-
Fun things to do and experience
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Not bookable on BookOutdoors
Unfortunately, this property can’t be booked on BookOutdoors yet. We can notify you when it becomes available.
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
This property’s site types
House rules for a happy stay
No refunds, credit, or prorating for early departures under any circumstances.
Cancellations made more than 14 days prior to your scheduled arrival date will receive a full refund.
Cancellations made less than 14 days prior to your scheduled arrival date will receive a refund but will be charged a $30 cancellation fee.
For Special Events: Cancellations made less than 14 days prior to your scheduled arrival date will receive a full refund and a $50 cancellation fee.
Rules & regulations
Screening of all new residents.
4 Guest allowed per home.
2 parking spaces per lot.
Pets allowed but not to be left unattended.
Vehicle washing/cleaning is allowed, however no mechanical maintenance (e.g. oil change, etc.) is permitted in the park.
Coin-operated washers, dryers are located in the Laundry Room. Clothes left unattended will be discarded at the discretion of Pelican Park. Clotheslines are not allowed. No towels or laundry of any kind may be dried outside.
A five (5) MPH speed limit is strictly enforced. Violators will be asked to leave the park.
Pelican Park does not allow tents to be placed on or around your site for any reason.
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