Harmony Ridge RV Park

Linden, TN

Accommodation types

  • rv

Enjoy these amenities

Potable Water
20 Amp
30 Amp
50 Amp
Dump Station
Electric Hook-Up

Let us tell you more

Welcome to the Harmony Ridge RV Park, by Comet Troy - the premier RV park builder. We are excited to offer you an exclusive opportunity to be among the first guests to experience our state-of-the-art facilities during our initial opening.

We are a small boutique dispersed RV park offering 7 large level sites with large patios and several off-grid secluded Tent sites nestled in the beauty of the Middle Tennessee Woodlands. We are surrounded by quaint rural Tennessee towns with mom and pop business waiting to be explored. Float down the Buffalo River located about a mile a way, travel 25 minutes to fish in Kentucky Lake or head 90 minutes down country back roads to Nashville for some big city entertainment. They say we are located in Nashville's Big Back Yard!

You won't find much Corporate America here and life slows down in these parts! Our entire Perry county only has 8,300 people and just 2 incorporated towns, both under 1,000 residents each. We are 5 minutes from the largest one with 900 people, Linden, the County Seat. Wake up to the crowing of the neighbor's roosters while enjoying your morning coffee! Explore the grounds and the local quaint community during the day. Come back for a beautiful sunset and evening campfire. Fall asleep under the vast starry night while consuming all that nature offers.

We welcome children for some good quality family time in a natural setting. You will have to entertain them because we do not offer amenities such as mini-golf, playground, sports fields and the like.

We are non-discriminatory, non-judgmental and are inclusive of everyone. We are accepting of all races, regions, LGBTQIA+ and alternative lifestyles.

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Canoeing / Kayaking
Offroad Vehicle Access
Walking Trails

Here’s where it’s located


2850 McGee Rd, Linden, TN 37096


Scenic views


Enjoy these amenities

Potable Water
20 Amp
30 Amp
50 Amp
Dump Station
Electric Hook-Up

Let us tell you more

Welcome to the Harmony Ridge RV Park, by Comet Troy - the premier RV park builder. We are excited to offer you an exclusive opportunity to be among the first guests to experience our state-of-the-art facilities during our initial opening.

We are a small boutique dispersed RV park offering 7 large level sites with large patios and several off-grid secluded Tent sites nestled in the beauty of the Middle Tennessee Woodlands. We are surrounded by quaint rural Tennessee towns with mom and pop business waiting to be explored. Float down the Buffalo River located about a mile a way, travel 25 minutes to fish in Kentucky Lake or head 90 minutes down country back roads to Nashville for some big city entertainment. They say we are located in Nashville's Big Back Yard!

You won't find much Corporate America here and life slows down in these parts! Our entire Perry county only has 8,300 people and just 2 incorporated towns, both under 1,000 residents each. We are 5 minutes from the largest one with 900 people, Linden, the County Seat. Wake up to the crowing of the neighbor's roosters while enjoying your morning coffee! Explore the grounds and the local quaint community during the day. Come back for a beautiful sunset and evening campfire. Fall asleep under the vast starry night while consuming all that nature offers.

We welcome children for some good quality family time in a natural setting. You will have to entertain them because we do not offer amenities such as mini-golf, playground, sports fields and the like.

We are non-discriminatory, non-judgmental and are inclusive of everyone. We are accepting of all races, regions, LGBTQIA+ and alternative lifestyles.

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Canoeing / Kayaking
Offroad Vehicle Access
Walking Trails

Here’s where it’s located


2850 McGee Rd, Linden, TN 37096


Scenic views


Accommodation types

  • rv

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House rules for a happy stay


Campfires Allowed
LGBTQ Friendly
Pet Friendly
Pet Restrictions


  • Receive a full refund if you cancel 7+ days from arrival.

  • No refund will be issued if you cancel less than 7 days from arrival.

Rules & regulations

Check-In 2 PM

Respect Our Property and Wildlife It is respectful to leave your RV site better than you found it. You are welcome to forge our vast woodlands for firewood already on the ground or brush along side the hiking paths. Trees with leaves on them are growing and expect to continue to do so without harm or being chopped down. Besides, they won't burn that well until months of drying out. The wildlife expects to be left alone and not be molested. Generally, black snakes are good, not harmful to humans. Respect and Leave them alone too as they kill the poisonous ones.

Please note that this area is home to a diverse range of wildlife including owls, coyotes, snakes, deer, wild boar, bobcats, among others. For the safety and well-being of everyone, we ask that you exercise caution and remain alert, especially when supervising children and pets. Enjoy your stay and the natural surroundings!

Respect The Park Owner/Host The RV Park Owner and/or the RV Park Host reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Disrespectful guests may get one warning and then may be subject to eviction from the RV Park without a refund. We are very tolerant and have not had to kick anyone out yet. Do not be the first!

Respect other Guests The Golden Rule applies here... Treat others as you would want to be treated. It's very quiet here at night and voices really carry. We have not set explicit quiet hours, but common sense would dictate "inside voices" around your campfire when other RV'ers are heading off to bed and sleeping. This also goes for the early risers who are up at the crack of dawn! Be aware and be respectful!

Respect Yourself This is an individual to each person version of respect of one's self. The best examples we can think of are engaging in loud drama the whole RV park can hear, acting stupid after drinking to excess and regretting your words and/or actions the next day when sober.

Ok. We have to have some rules!

We started the RV Park with the intention of not having rules and expecting our guests to be respectful. However, common sense does not seem to be common enough.

  • Pet's must be on leash and under the owner's control at all times. Exception: Owner's black lab mix Panelopie free ranges the property and patrols it like a boss!

  • Wood on the ground can be collected and used for firepits. Please do not cut down anything standing even if you believe it to be dead.

  • Guests assume the all risks of injury, death or damage to their personal property. We have lots of steep terrain, trees and many perils found in the outdoors.

Directions We recommend arriving to the park from the South and heading North on McGee Rd. It does have one deep valley to navigate through, but is much easier then coming in from the other direction that has lots of curves and steep hills. Once at the property, take the first turn in to the left on to the property from the road. Turn right just before the utility shed then left after it to head down the driveway towards the back of the park.

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