Glacier Lodge
Big Pine, CA
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
Accommodation types
- cabin
- rv
- tent
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Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
Learn moreLet us tell you more
Established in 1917, Glacier Lodge, nestled at just below 8,000 feet on Big Pine Creek, has always been the gateway to some of the best hiking, fishing, hunting and climbing in the country. And as the new owners, we are here to help you with whatever experience you desire. Up here, Silence. It's the first thing you hear after you take a deep breath of mountain air, filling your lungs deeply with the healthy pine scent and letting it out slowly. You can hear the sweet breeze through the pine trees and feel it's coolness on your bare skin. You see into forever, and the mountains soar toward the bluest blue sky you've ever seen. If you choose to rough it with us during the off-season, you will experience a brisk cold, howling winds and often light snowflakes covering the ground. Campfires are cozy as you sit outside and enjoy the scenery. After all, you are here to enjoy the outdoors.....right??
In 1998, an electrical fire burned the main lodge to the ground. It was a great loss for all of us. This was one of many fires that has plagued mountain resorts in years past. We are planning on rebuilding the Majestic Glacier Lodge as early as 2023. In the meantime, 8 rustic cabins remain open for rental and allow easy access to the beautiful high country along with back-in partial and full-service sites for RVs. We look forward to hearing from you and visiting with you when you arrive. Pets, including cats are welcome, and campfires, if used carefully, are allowed in the pits outside each cabin. Open Dates: April 1 to November 7
Fun things to do and experience
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Accommodation types
- cabin
- rv
- tent
Enjoy these amenities
You’re covered!
Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
Learn moreLet us tell you more
Established in 1917, Glacier Lodge, nestled at just below 8,000 feet on Big Pine Creek, has always been the gateway to some of the best hiking, fishing, hunting and climbing in the country. And as the new owners, we are here to help you with whatever experience you desire. Up here, Silence. It's the first thing you hear after you take a deep breath of mountain air, filling your lungs deeply with the healthy pine scent and letting it out slowly. You can hear the sweet breeze through the pine trees and feel it's coolness on your bare skin. You see into forever, and the mountains soar toward the bluest blue sky you've ever seen. If you choose to rough it with us during the off-season, you will experience a brisk cold, howling winds and often light snowflakes covering the ground. Campfires are cozy as you sit outside and enjoy the scenery. After all, you are here to enjoy the outdoors.....right??
In 1998, an electrical fire burned the main lodge to the ground. It was a great loss for all of us. This was one of many fires that has plagued mountain resorts in years past. We are planning on rebuilding the Majestic Glacier Lodge as early as 2023. In the meantime, 8 rustic cabins remain open for rental and allow easy access to the beautiful high country along with back-in partial and full-service sites for RVs. We look forward to hearing from you and visiting with you when you arrive. Pets, including cats are welcome, and campfires, if used carefully, are allowed in the pits outside each cabin. Open Dates: April 1 to November 7
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Not bookable on BookOutdoors
Unfortunately, this property can’t be booked on BookOutdoors yet. We can notify you when it becomes available.
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
This property’s site types
House rules for a happy stay
100% refund until 30 days prior to check-in; 50% percent refund 14 days prior, then 13 days prior the reservation is no longer refundable.
Rules & regulations
Pets are welcomed including cats, however dogs may not be left unattended in cabins. Dogs must be tethered or on a leash when outside the cabins at all times on Glacier Lodge grounds, but may be off leash under voice control on the surrounding trails. Pet Fee: $30.00 per pet per stay.
NO USE OF MICROWAVES, COFFEE MACHINES, HEATERS, AC, or anything with a heating element at your site unless it's connected to a different power source other than Glacier Lodge. Our campground runs off of hydroelectric energy which is power generated by moving water. For us, our hydro water supply comes from Big Pine Creek. As the creek level varies, so does our flow of power. This is the most basic AND UNSTABLE in terms of power supply due to many factors such a creek level, a block in the hydro-electric generator, weather, temp manual shut down for maintenance. Our campsite (and cabin) power supply varies from 80v-140v. From time to time, we do have to shut off the power in the campground***
We are on a septic system set to be upgraded in 2024. It does leach; especially after heavy rains or a busy weekend.
Our campground, while beautiful, is very rocky, curvy (thanks trees) and at a heavy incline which makes towing larger (30-35 ft) rigs without 4x4 nearly impossible.
Our campground bathroom does have a sink and a flush toilet but is very basic-no shower yet!
No electric vehicle charging.
Sites 1 - 6:
Accommodates RVs or tents and have water and 120v electricity but no sewer.
Sites 7 - 10:
Are set aside for RVs and have full sewer hook-up and 120 v. Our electrical does NOT support microwaves, Air Conditioning, or any appliance with a large electrical draw. If you use these, you will be asked to leave and no refund will be given. Please bring a generator if needed.
Site 8 :
The only pull-through site.
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