Fox Hollow Resort

Graham, TX

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Accommodation types

  • rv
  • cabin

Enjoy these amenities

Bar / Alcohol Available
Cable TV
Food on Site
General Store

Let us tell you more

Making Memories since 1944, Fox Hollow Resort and its' sister properties encompass 30 acres on West Side PK to help make the best memories for you, friends and family all year long. Fox Hollow is located on beautiful Possum Kingdom Lake 18 miles South of Graham and just 90 minutes from DFW. Surrounded by the tranquil hills of “PK”, Fox Hollow offers everything you need for a relaxing vacation. Rent a cabin or a spot in the RV Park, or better yet, purchase your own lake retreat. And definitely be sure to visit the popular Hungry Fox Restaurant, consistently voted the “Best Catfish on the Lake." Don’t forget to check out Foxy’s Cantina after dinner! Whether you are dropping by for a great meal or plan on staying in one of our newly remodeled cabins for the week, we promise to provide you with the best of what we have to offer in all areas of service. That includes a friendly & accommodating staff, fresh ingredients in our kitchen, clean & tidy lodging, updated technology, manicured grounds… you get the idea. And why not, anyway?

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Canoeing / Kayaking
Live Entertainment

Here’s where it’s located


4705 Fox Hollow Rd, Graham, TX 76450


Scenic views


Accommodation types

  • rv
  • cabin

Enjoy these amenities

Bar / Alcohol Available
Cable TV
Food on Site
General Store

Let us tell you more

Making Memories since 1944, Fox Hollow Resort and its' sister properties encompass 30 acres on West Side PK to help make the best memories for you, friends and family all year long. Fox Hollow is located on beautiful Possum Kingdom Lake 18 miles South of Graham and just 90 minutes from DFW. Surrounded by the tranquil hills of “PK”, Fox Hollow offers everything you need for a relaxing vacation. Rent a cabin or a spot in the RV Park, or better yet, purchase your own lake retreat. And definitely be sure to visit the popular Hungry Fox Restaurant, consistently voted the “Best Catfish on the Lake." Don’t forget to check out Foxy’s Cantina after dinner! Whether you are dropping by for a great meal or plan on staying in one of our newly remodeled cabins for the week, we promise to provide you with the best of what we have to offer in all areas of service. That includes a friendly & accommodating staff, fresh ingredients in our kitchen, clean & tidy lodging, updated technology, manicured grounds… you get the idea. And why not, anyway?

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Canoeing / Kayaking
Live Entertainment

Here’s where it’s located


4705 Fox Hollow Rd, Graham, TX 76450


Scenic views


Not bookable on BookOutdoors

Unfortunately, this property can’t be booked on BookOutdoors yet. We can notify you when it becomes available.

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This property’s site types

House rules for a happy stay


Open All Year

You may cancel or change your reservation, if availability permits, up to three (3) days prior to your arrival date; otherwise, you will be charged for the full term you reserved. Guests may not assign this Agreement or sub-license the use of their lodging for any purpose. Guest is not entitled to decide who will take lodging before or after their stay.

Rules & regulations

Adhere to the listed maximum capacity of the rented lodging. $50 fee per guest per night over the maximum will be assessed.

Parking Passes are REQUIRED for resort guests. Guests will receive one (1) vehicle parking pass per rented cabin. Additional Parking Passes can be purchased for $25. Cars parked overnight without passes will be fined $25 per day.

Boat Trailer Parking. Guests will receive one (1) Boat Trailer Parking Pass per cabin. Additional Boat Trailer Parking Passes can be purchased for $25. Trailers parked overnight without passes will be fined $25 per day.

No pets allowed in resort facilities and lodging. If a pet is found in a hotel suite, room or bungalow, Guest will be fined $300 plus any damages including lost revenue for pest abatement.

No smoking is allowed inside any buildings including lodging, Hungry Fox Restaurant, Foxy’s Cantina and docking area. Please smoke in designated areas and properly discard cigarettes. $300 cleaning fee will be assessed if smoke is detected in your room.

Responsible adult 25 or older must stay in hotel room, suite or bungalow.

Dock Operating Hours 6am-midnight. No guard is on duty, use at your own risk. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

Must be 21 to drink with valid ID; we do not permit minors to drink with their parents at Foxy’s Cantina and Hungry Fox Restaurant. No glass, No outside beverages, and No pets allowed in these areas.

Guests are responsible for their children and ensure that they are under proper supervision at all times.

Speed limit is 10 MPH on the resort premises.

Radios, television or any other sound equipment should never be operated to the disturbance of others. Special consideration should be given to other Guests before 8am and after 10pm. Loud noise, boisterous play, or running around in eating/docking areas is strictly prohibited. Please be considerate to your neighbors by keeping volumes low.

Firearms are strictly prohibited in restaurant and docking areas. Firearms should be kept in your vehicle. Display or discharge of a firearm or other weapon is prohibited.

Parking shall be designated areas only.

Boat slips on dock are reserved for those who’ve used the reservation system either online or at the resort.

World Famous Fox Hollow Resort is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please secure your belongings.

Guests are responsible for caution, care and cleanliness throughout World Famous Fox Hollow Resort.

Changes, modifications or alterations of hotel suites, rooms, or bungalows are prohibited. Plants and trees within the Resort shall not be cut or trimmed.

No tent camping permitted.

No Campfires are allowed

No clothes lines allowed

No major vehicle repairs will be permitted on the premises. Washing of Vehicles is not permitted.

Do not let water run unnecessarily. Please be energy conscious.

Storage of hazardous materials anywhere on the property is prohibited. We reserve the right to inspect your room.

Feeding the birds and other wildlife is prohibited. Guests must be aware of and sensitive to our natural environment, wildlife and habitat.

Guests shall not violate any governmental law or ordinance, commit waste or nuisance, annoy, molest or interfere with any other patron, display disorderly or drunken conduct, and shall comply with all directives of World Famous Fox Hollow Resort.

Underage drinking, public intoxication, driving while intoxicated and other alcohol related misbehavior, and other rude or obnoxious behavior is strictly prohibited at all times.

World Famous Fox Hollow Resort grants a revocable license to use World Famous Fox Hollow Resort located at 4705 Fox Hollow Rd, Graham, TX 76450 to the guest(s) for the term/booking date(s). It does not grant a possessory interest or estate in World Famous Fox Hollow Resort, lodging or other property owned and/or controlled by World Famous Fox Hollow Resort. World Famous Fox Hollow Resort reserves the right to reject the use of any facility or room to any party at its own discretion. World Famous Fox Hollow Resort is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Residential, business and/or commercial use of the lodgings is expressly prohibited. No permanent structures may be built upon or moved on to the premises.

If the Guest fails to timely settle all accounts or fails to remove all vehicles and personal property on the date of departure or in the event of a mandatory evacuation or relocation, World Famous Fox Hollow Resort is authorized to remove or contact a licensed towing/moving company to remove Guest's motor vehicles and any other personal at Guest's expense. Guest agrees that World Famous Fox Hollow Resort shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may occur to Guest's property during the moving or storage.

Guest(s) and their invitees understand that indoor and outdoor recreation at World Famous Fox Hollow Resort are inherently dangerous activities and hereby assumes all risks. Guests and their invitees hereby forever release, discharge, waive, save and hold harmless and indemnify World Famous Fox Hollow Resort and all encompassing locations of VirJen Properties Inc. their officers, directors, partners, employees, members, shareholders, representatives, agents, assistants, subsidiaries and/or affiliates, or the individuals connected with them herein after collectively referred to as “World Famous Fox Hollow Affiliates” from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action made under any theory of legal liability, including negligence or loss of consortium, asserted by others, by me or my estate, executors, heirs, or assigns arising from my presence at World Famous Fox Hollow Resort and/or my activities at World Famous Fox Hollow Resort. This release includes, but is not limited to, any and all rights, demands, actions, causes of action, and any and all medical expenses, attorney’s fees or other expenses, losses or claims for damages in the event of accident, illness or any other incapacity, death, or damage to property, however caused.

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