Ellie Ray's RV Resort & Lounge
Branford, FL
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
Accommodation types
- rv
- tent
- cabin
Enjoy these amenities
You’re covered!
Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
Learn moreLet us tell you more
Sitting on the spring-fed, Santa Fe River, in North Central Florida, you can Kayak, fish, get a good tan, whatever your flavor, it’s here because you are on DAY-CATION when you are at Ellie Ray’s! Our family’s NUMBER ONE RULE is always to HAVE FUN! Here at Ellie Ray’s, we want to share the moments in which you come and let your hair down, get too much sun, laugh too hard, and get caught boogying to your favorite song.
Ellie Ray’s has something for the Entire Family! Camping, Freshwater Springs, and a LIVE MUSIC venue and restaurant right on the Santa Fe River, it just doesn’t get any better than that! Come spend your Day-Cation with us out here in Branford, FL!
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Here’s where it’s located
Directions3349 Northwest 110th Street, Branford, FL 32008
Scenic views
Accommodation types
- rv
- tent
- cabin
Enjoy these amenities
You’re covered!
Don’t let rain ruin your trip! Every eligible booking with us includes Weather Protection at no additional cost to you! For ultimate flexibility to cancel your booking for any reason, we offer affordable travel insurance options.
Learn moreLet us tell you more
Sitting on the spring-fed, Santa Fe River, in North Central Florida, you can Kayak, fish, get a good tan, whatever your flavor, it’s here because you are on DAY-CATION when you are at Ellie Ray’s! Our family’s NUMBER ONE RULE is always to HAVE FUN! Here at Ellie Ray’s, we want to share the moments in which you come and let your hair down, get too much sun, laugh too hard, and get caught boogying to your favorite song.
Ellie Ray’s has something for the Entire Family! Camping, Freshwater Springs, and a LIVE MUSIC venue and restaurant right on the Santa Fe River, it just doesn’t get any better than that! Come spend your Day-Cation with us out here in Branford, FL!
Fun things to do and experience
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Here’s where it’s located
Directions3349 Northwest 110th Street, Branford, FL 32008
Scenic views
Not bookable on BookOutdoors
Unfortunately, this property can’t be booked on BookOutdoors yet. We can notify you when it becomes available.
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No booking fees or memberships. Save up to 18% compared to other sites that charge extra fees at checkout. Your rate is the same or less than you would pay when booking direct.
This property’s site types
House rules for a happy stay
We do not give refunds for any reason but a credit* will be issued for future use.
No show will forfeit the entire reservation amount. No refunds for cancellations.
We do not give refunds due to weather conditions or personal reasons.
No refunds or credits on any Holiday or special event for any reason.
Rules & regulations
- Campers and Visitors must register as they enter the campground.
- Office Hours: Mon-Sat 9 AM to 5 PM, Sun 9 AM – 2 PM
- Campground fees vary by site and area and are based on 2 adults and 2 children (under 11 years). Check office for extra persons and visitor fees ($25/per guest). The maximum number of persons per site is 6. Anyone not abiding by rules will be asked to leave without a refund. Visitor parking provided in the designated area.
- Only two vehicles and one RV per site. Golf carts count as one vehicle.
- Speed limit – 5 MPH. Watch for children.
- Quiet hours are 11 PM – 8 AM. Check out time – 11 AM.
- Place garbage in dumpsters that are located by the exit. Household garbage only.
- Rubber donuts are required on sewer connections by Florida law.
- No site changes or moving picnic tables without approval from the office.
- No blocking or parking on other sites.
- No tents, screen rooms, or deck in the RV area (unless attached to the awning on slab).
- No vehicle, boat, or RV washing without approval from the office. No firearms or fireworks in the campground.
- No grills on picnic tables. No dumping of charcoal on the ground or in fire pits.
- Campfires are allowed in the rings provided at each site.
- No garbage in fire pits.
- Please do not pour cooking grease/oil on the base of trees.
- Pets are welcome. The management reserves the right to refuse aggressive breeds.
- Please clean-up after your pet(s) – THEY POOP-YOU SCOOP.
- Pets are to always be leashed and never left unattended.
- Excessive barking will not be tolerated.
- Vaccination certificates to be filed in the office.
- Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
- Pets are not allowed in cabins or house rentals. This is to help our guest(s) that might have pet-related allergies.
- Parents are responsible for the safety and conduct of their children.
- Parents will be held liable for all damages, acts of vandalism, or injury caused by their children.
- Children must be at the campsite by quiet hours.
- We recommend children wear shoes in and around the campground.
- Children are not permitted in the bathhouse, laundry, or pool unless accompanied by an adult.
- Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the spa.
- Golf cart operators must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license and proof of golf cart insurance.
- All persons must be seated. NO STANDING.
- Reckless driving will result in the loss of driving privileges.
- No driving between campsites.
- Golf carts must be in a campground fenced-in area only.
- NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY – SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK. DANGER – no diving or jumping from any dock in Spring Area, Floating Dock, Pool or Spa.
- Adults must accompany children (16 or younger) to the swimming area.
- No kids under 16 in the spa (it’s a health violation). You’ll be asked to permanently leave the pool area if you choose to disobey the rule.
- No smoking in the pool area. You’ll be asked to permanently leave the pool area if you choose to disobey the rule.
- No coolers allowed in the pool area.
- No outside food or drink* allowed in the pool area.
- *Sundays, you can bring in your own drinks, plastic only-no coolers on Sunday though.
- Monday – Saturday All food and beverages must be purchased from Ellie Ray’s restaurant.
- Check with the office for dock space availability. ALL SPACES are reserved.
- No charge to launch a boat if you’re a registered camper.
- Do not park your boat trailers in the bar/lounge parking lot. You will be charged $5.00 for each violation.
- Do not clean fish on docks or throw parts in the river.
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