Cone's Riverside Canyon Cabins

Estes Park, CO

Accommodation types

  • cabin

Enjoy these amenities

Cable TV
Hot Tub / Sauna
Near Highway

Let us tell you more

We are 2 miles east from Estes Park on US 34 in the Big Thompson Canyon.

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Walking Trails
Wildlife Watching

Here’s where it’s located


2510 US Hwy 34, Estes Park, CO 80515


Scenic views

River, Stream or Creek

Enjoy these amenities

Cable TV
Hot Tub / Sauna
Near Highway

Let us tell you more

We are 2 miles east from Estes Park on US 34 in the Big Thompson Canyon.

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Walking Trails
Wildlife Watching

Here’s where it’s located


2510 US Hwy 34, Estes Park, CO 80515


Scenic views

River, Stream or Creek

Accommodation types

  • cabin
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House rules for a happy stay


Pet Friendly
Pet Restrictions


  • All cancellations require a 30 day notice.

  • If you cancel within 30 days or less, you are responsible for the entire booking amount (However we will try our best to re-book the dates for you).

  • If you cancel at anytime after reserving your dates, there is a $50 cancellation fee.

In the event of a family emergency of any sort, illness, etc., you are still charged for your reservation and we will work with you on re-booking. No early check out refunds for any reason.

Rules & regulations

Check-In 4 PM

Pet - You are welcome to bring your pet to the property, however you will be charged a pet fee ($70) for the entirety of your stay, and we kindly ask you that you always clean up after them, as well as per municipal code 6.04. 470, all animals, except domestic cats, are required to be under restraint when not inside. Please respect other guests and do not allow your pet to get close to them without permission. However if you fail to list your pet on your booking and/or you damage the property - we will be applying a damage fee ($200) to your stay. Please note that the property is located near wildlife and to look after your pet.

Smoking - You are only allowed to smoke outdoors - away from windows and doors - and please dispose of cigarette butts properly as to avoid unexpected fires.

Cleaning/Damages You will be charged an additional fee for any excessive wear and tear, and/or excessive cleaning. If food and/or drinks are spilled in the hot tub, it has to be completely drained. You will be a charged a $200 cleaning fee, as it takes "hours" to complete. Also, it takes 6-8 hours to reheat the water, resulting in a cold tub for the next guest checking in 4 hours after you. There will be no exceptions (as I may have to comp the guests a free night for a cold hot tub)!

Parking - We kindly ask you to only park your vehicles on the designated parking spots and not in front of the units.

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