Kalkaska County Log Lake Campground

Kalkaska, MI

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Accommodation types

  • tent
  • rv

Enjoy these amenities

Boat Launch
Ice Available
Picnic area

Let us tell you more

There are many things to see and do while camping at Log Lake. First of course is swimming and fishing in Log Lake. There are 3 golf courses nearby, a disc golf course is adjacent to the campground, canoe liveries and fly fishing on the Manistee River. The Turtle Creek Casino is just 15 minutes away! For hikers and mountain bikers the North Country hiking trail is just north of our campground and the Sand Lakes Quiet Area just west of Kalkaska. Kalkaska County is 561 square miles of abundant natural resources with numerous recreational opportunities. There are over 80 inland lakes and 275 miles of streams and rivers, with numerous state and county parks in which to get close to the natural beauty that surrounds you in Kalkaska. The county averages 126 inches of snow each year, perfect for winter weather enthusiasts.

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Beach Access
Canoeing / Kayaking
Disc Golf

Here’s where it’s located


2475 East Log Lake Rd NE, Kalkaska, MI 49646


Scenic views


Accommodation types

  • tent
  • rv

Enjoy these amenities

Boat Launch
Ice Available
Picnic area

Let us tell you more

There are many things to see and do while camping at Log Lake. First of course is swimming and fishing in Log Lake. There are 3 golf courses nearby, a disc golf course is adjacent to the campground, canoe liveries and fly fishing on the Manistee River. The Turtle Creek Casino is just 15 minutes away! For hikers and mountain bikers the North Country hiking trail is just north of our campground and the Sand Lakes Quiet Area just west of Kalkaska. Kalkaska County is 561 square miles of abundant natural resources with numerous recreational opportunities. There are over 80 inland lakes and 275 miles of streams and rivers, with numerous state and county parks in which to get close to the natural beauty that surrounds you in Kalkaska. The county averages 126 inches of snow each year, perfect for winter weather enthusiasts.

Fun things to do and experience

Activities on or nearby this property

Beach Access
Canoeing / Kayaking
Disc Golf

Here’s where it’s located


2475 East Log Lake Rd NE, Kalkaska, MI 49646


Scenic views


Not bookable on BookOutdoors

Unfortunately, this property can’t be booked on BookOutdoors yet. We can notify you when it becomes available.

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This property’s site types

House rules for a happy stay


Campfires Allowed
Pet Friendly
Pet Restrictions

Cancellations must be made 7 days prior to reserved date.

Rules & regulations

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